Estate Planning

Trusts vs. Wills
Everyone has heard the terms "Will" and "Trust," but not everyone knows the differences between the two. Both are useful estate planning devices that serve difference purposes, and both can...
Trusts vs. Wills
Everyone has heard the terms "Will" and "Trust," but not everyone knows the differences between the two. Both are useful estate planning devices that serve difference purposes, and both can...

What is a Revocable Trust?
The purpose of a Revocable Trust is primarily to avoid probate. If an individual passes away owning property in their individual name, probate is required. A probate is technically a...
What is a Revocable Trust?
The purpose of a Revocable Trust is primarily to avoid probate. If an individual passes away owning property in their individual name, probate is required. A probate is technically a...

What is a Last Will and Testament?
The purpose of the Last Will and Testament is to give the court specific instructions on how to distribute your assets upon your death. Another important function of your Last...
What is a Last Will and Testament?
The purpose of the Last Will and Testament is to give the court specific instructions on how to distribute your assets upon your death. Another important function of your Last...

What is a Living Will or Advanced Directive for...
The purpose of the Living Will is to provide direction to your relatives and your health care provider in the event you become terminally ill and you are unable to...
What is a Living Will or Advanced Directive for...
The purpose of the Living Will is to provide direction to your relatives and your health care provider in the event you become terminally ill and you are unable to...

What is Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care?
With a Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care, a person selects a family member or friend to make decisions about the person's medical treatment if the person ever becomes...
What is Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care?
With a Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care, a person selects a family member or friend to make decisions about the person's medical treatment if the person ever becomes...

What is Durable Power of Attorney for Property?
The purpose of a durable power of attorney regarding property is to address situations in which you are still alive, but you are unable to manage your day-to-day affairs. If...
What is Durable Power of Attorney for Property?
The purpose of a durable power of attorney regarding property is to address situations in which you are still alive, but you are unable to manage your day-to-day affairs. If...